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Authentic Christianity must come with a desire to end injustice because when you inhale Jesus, you exhale justice.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Signs a person is being trafficked: Get Informed, Get Involved, Change the World

Signs that Indicate a Person is being Trafficked
There are important signs that indicate a person is being trafficked. Some of the signs are as follows: A person who is not able to freely come and go. A person who is constantly watched. A person who owes a large debt to their employer. A person who is not in control of their Immigration documents. A person who works where there is high security, bars on the windows and high security measures. A person who exhibits poor mental health, abnormal behavior and fear and paranoia. A person who does not know where they live, have any understanding of pop culture and a person who is so timid that they can’t look another person in the eye. Anyone under 18 who is working in the commercial sex trade is a trafficking victim.

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