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Monday, January 24, 2011

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month: Organizations

NGOs and Non-Profits
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Here is some information on organizations making a difference in the fight against modern day slavery. Non-government organizations and non-profit organizations are making a huge difference in the fight. World Vision has been serving the poor and oppressed since 1950. Their mission is to fight poverty on many realms and human trafficking is one of them (2009, Stearns). The Salvation Army has been fighting sex trafficking since 1865 and is still fighting it today. The Salvation Army provides training, task forces, and service to victims (2009, www.salvationarmyusa.org).International Justice Mission is a Christian NGO out of Washington that works to secure justice for victims of human trafficking and oppression. Founded in 1997 by a group of lawyers and human rights professionals, they work with government officials to expose crime rings, protect victims and prosecute criminals (www.ijm.org). The A21 Campaign is an effective abolitionist movement to stop human trafficking in Greece. This group discusses the newest rise in trafficking of Eastern European women and raises awareness and provides shelter for the victims (2010, http://thea21campagin.org).
Human trafficking is modern day slavery and it exists all over the world. Education, awareness and accountability are working to a degree to bring about prevention, victim advocacy and protection and perpetrator persecution. More must be done to ensure liberty for trafficking victims around the world .  Get informed, get involved and make a difference for those trapped in a life without hope. 

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