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Authentic Christianity must come with a desire to end injustice because when you inhale Jesus, you exhale justice.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why in the U.S. do we still criminalize most trafficked children?

There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children- Nelson Mandela

Why is it here in the U.S. that the majority of states criminalize most domestic trafficking victims? There are hundreds of thousands of runaways and throwaways in the U.S. that are living on the streets. These children are often so abused at home that they resort to the streets for refuge. 

Girls as young as 9 or 10 are picked up by ruthless traffickers. These men are often older men somewhere around thirty to forty years of age. The classic scenario goes as follows: an older man may befriend a young girl, age 9 or 10. He may fill in some father figure role. He convinces her he loves her and wants to take care of her. He will take her away from the abuse. He then systematically destroys her identity, and any self-esteem left with physical and emotional abuse and drug dependency. He finally has complete control over her. Remember this is a child. These girls can be found here being trafficked on 1-40 or at truck stops and neighboring motels here in Oklahoma City. 

The victims are subject to psychological trauma, abuse, disease, social ostracism, drug dependency, unwanted pregnancy, forced abortion, malnutrition and poor mental health. Often these girls are murdered or commit suicide. 

Or, the girls are picked up for prostitution. They are prosecuted and serve time. They are stigmatized for being prostitute even though they are not even legally able to consent to sex. 

According to the Polaris Project, largest anti-human trafficking organization in the world, and the U.S. State Department, any person under the age of 18 caught in the commercial sex trade is considered a trafficking victim.

So why isn't that a reality in this Country. Hopefully it will be, if people will continue to raise their voices to help the oppressed. There have been some advances made. 

New York has just passed the New York Safe Harbor for Exploited Children Act.

Overview of the Act: The Safe Harbor Act would allow for the presumption that a person under 16 years of age who is charged as a juvenile delinquent for a prostitution offense is a severely trafficked person. This presumption permits the child to avoid criminal charges of prostitution and instead be considered a “person in need of supervision.” The statute also provides support and services to sexually exploited youth who are under the age of 18. These services include safe houses, crisis intervention programs, community-based programs, and law-enforcement training to help officers identify sexually exploited youth.- Polaris Project Action Page

Isaiah 58:9-12 says, "If you get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, quit gossiping about other people's sins, If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness,our shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.

Let your voice be heard to ensure that trafficking victims are not sent to jail when they desperately need shelter, trauma counseling, and help becoming whole. 

Things you can do:

1. Enroll in OATH (Oklahomans against trafficking humans) awareness training,  http://oathcoalition.org/events.aspx

2. Enroll at OATH advocate training, http://oathcoalition.org/advocate.aspx

3. Organize a trafficking awareness party, fundraiser or garage sale. 

4. Write your representative or senator your views on criminalizing trafficking victims or organize a letter writing campaign with some of your friends.

5. Or get a youth group from church to go and visit girls in Juvenile Correction Center. 

6. Get connected to an anti-human trafficking organization that is advocating for girls in courts and providing refuge. Some are listed below:

GEMS (doing amazing stuff in NYC, advocating girls in courts) http://www.gems-girls.org/

A 21 Campaign (Trafficking in Europe, fastest rising group)  http://www.thea21campaign.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=132&Itemid=305

All Things New(work in OKC) http://www.allthingsnewcampaign.org/

OATHcoalition http://oathcoalition.org/advocate.aspx

Veronica's Voice (amazing testimoney) http://www.veronicasvoice.org/

Don't forget Proverbs 31:8-9, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". -Martin Luther King Jr. 
Below are some articles and videos discussing this topic:

More info on the New York Safe Harbor for Exploited Children Act: http://actioncenter.polarisproject.org/take-action/advocate-for-policy/227
16 year old girl in jail for life without parole for killing her abusive pimp who trafficked her since she was 13

a 13 year old girl in Texas is prosecuted for prostitution even though she is living with a 30 year old who is her pimp. 
several stories down on this blog discusses that an FBI agent from Florida believes up to 70% of trafficked children are out of the foster care system.

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