Welcome to Justice Warriors

Authentic Christianity must come with a desire to end injustice because when you inhale Jesus, you exhale justice.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

7 Great Christmas gift ideas that also change the world

  • Still looking for some last minute Christmas gifts? Here are 7 ideas that are great gifts and change the world at the same time: 

1. Try Shop Good in Oklahoma City. It is located at 3 N.E. 9th Street next to Sara Sara Cupcake. When I went in to check out the store I found the cutest clothes, accessories, and jewelry. The quality reminded me of something I might find at Anthropologie. The best part is that some of the items had a percentage of profits going to good causes like refugees in Uganda. Check it out.

2. TOMS: For every pair of TOMS shoes you buy Tom (Blake Mycowskie) will put a pair of shoes on a needy child. I have a pair in silver sparkle. They are super cute.

3. Microfinance gift cards. Microfinance is helping to pull people in developing countries out of poverty by empowering them with a small loan to start a business. Here are a couple of non-profits you can buy a gift card from.
a.  World Vision: buy a gift card with a note to your friend or family member and they can go online and choose their entrepreneur
b. Kiva: buy a gift card and send a note to your friend or family member and they can go online and choose their entrepreneur

4. Buy a fundraising gift from a good organization like Fistula Foundation.

Fistula Repair: Women without access to good medical care can have a fistula tear during childbirth. This tear can cause a leakage of bodily fluids. This is a very serious issue and women with this condition are becoming the new lepers.  A fistula is fixed by a simple procedure. The Fistula Foundation is bringing women around the world access to these procedures.

Fistula Foundation: You can give a certificate in the name of a loved one or a necklace, bracelet, earrings, scarf or thank you card in a loved one's name.

5. Blue Seven in OKC has some beautiful jewelry made by "ember". Ember is a group of 27 women in Uganda who are selling jewelry that is transcending women's lives. http://emberarts.com

6. Books

  • The hole in the Gospel by Richard Stearns, CEO of World Vision, Great Book
  • Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, Great Book!
  • Richard Stearns, World Vision CEO, suggested reading. (http://www.theholeinourgospel.com/recommended-reading/social-justice/
  • Terrify No More: Young Girls Held Captive and the Daring Undercover Operation to Win Their Freedom by Gary A. Haugen and Gregg Hunter, of International Justice Mission, (A Christian NGO that fights human trafficking and other injustices) 

7. Movies

  • Invictus
  • Amazing Grace (one of my favorites)
  • God Grew tired of Us: Lost Boys of the Sudan
  • Blindside

Good Shopping! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

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