Welcome to Justice Warriors

Authentic Christianity must come with a desire to end injustice because when you inhale Jesus, you exhale justice.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Christ is a threat to injustice!

In 1968 around 80 clergy, church leaders and laymen came together in a multi-denominational conference to determine if claims that the gospel supported Apartheid, segregation, and a blindness to the suffering of fellow South Africans was true. These conferences came about because of many "pseudo-gospels" proclaiming that Christianity supported Apartheid. The conference came to its conclusion and released a declaration that stated the following:

"We believe that this doctrine of separation is a false faith, an novel gospel, it inevitably is in conflict with the Gospel of Jesus Christ which offers salvation through faith alone. It is keeping people away from the real knowledge of Christ. Therefore it is the church's duty to enable our people to distinguish between the demands of the South African state and the demands of Christian Discipleship. Where different groups of people are hostile to each other is due to human sin and this is not plan of the Creator. The scriptures do not require such groups to be kept separate from each other, on the contrary, the Gospel requires us to believe in and to act on the reconciliation made for us in Christ. A policy of separation is a demonstration of unbelief in the power of the Gospel, any demonstration of the reality of reconciliation would endanger this policy....Christ is inevitably a threat to much that is called the South African way of life."   (Klass Woldring study on Christianity in Apartheid 1977)

I believe it is true that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a threat to injustice everywhere, and the threat comes when God's people, like these South African Christians, stand up against oppression and are ready to pay the price for their stand.

The price can just simply be becoming aware and getting involved in injustice issues. There are some events coming up nationally and globally that our churches in Oklahoma can participate in to become aware of injustice issues that are happening here domestically and internationally as well:

On March 13th many Churches around the world will be speaking on Anti-Human Trafficking whether through reading a scripture, praying for victims or providing awareness literature. Your church can be involved. Check out the website http://www.freedomsunday.org/

On April 10th The One organization is joining with churches to promote "The Lazarus Effect"to learn how life-saving anti-retroviral treatments are bringing life back to Africa. To get your church involved go to http://www.one.org/us/onesabbath/lazaruseffect.html

The OATH Coalition is sponsoring "The Central Oklahoma Human Trafficking Conference" April 12th to the 13th. Go to the website to register. There will also be two other conferences, one in Tulsa, OK and one in Moore, OK. I encourage everyone to attend this year. Understand the injustices that are being committed right under our noses, and learn what we can do as a community to bring awareness and an end to the sale of people. 

MLK Jr's famous words, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". 

Get Informed, Get Involved, Change the World!!!