Welcome to Justice Warriors

Authentic Christianity must come with a desire to end injustice because when you inhale Jesus, you exhale justice.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ten things you can do to help trafficked victims

Last month a few friends and I got together to make valentines for rescued trafficking victims at the A21 Campaign's Greek Shelter.

The A 21 Campaign website recently posted the story of an ex-trafficking victim, a 17 year old Serbian girl named Alexandra, who recently entered the Empower Rehabilitation Program. The young woman's life has gone through substantial changes since she started the program. One of the things that has encouraged her is the outpouring of letters, cards and valentines she received from abolitionists around the world. Check out the A 21 Campaign's Website for more of this story. So glad the girls and I were able to be a part of encouraging Alexandra and the other women in the Greek shelter.

Making Valentines was a fun way to bring hope and encouragement to these women's lives. Gather some friends, and do something to make a difference in the lives of trafficked men and women. Here are ten things you and a group of friends can do:

1. Lobby politicians
2. Organize a fundraiser
3. Fast on the 21st and donate lunch money to an anti-trafficking organization
4. Buy fair trade products
5. Create a blog
6. Start an awareness group at school or church
7. Start a prayer group
8. Work the web for awareness
9. Have a garage sale and donate money to advocacy groups
10. Have a scrap-booking party and make encouraging cards for trafficked victims

Let me know what you do @ malikacox@ymail.com

Get Informed, Get Involved, Change the World!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Consider donating to Tremia Appling's Stem Cell Transplant

My dear friend Tremia Appling and her husband Duane are heading to Chicago for Tremia to receive a stem cell transplant. I have known Tremia for 14 years. She is one of the most wonderful lovely people I know. Tremia has been battling Lupus for seven years now. This disease has taken away her quality of life and left her disabled. She has been given this medical opportunity but there are immediate costs involved which include $1400.00 for plane fare and the hotel costs are $3100.00 for the first month and $2800.00 for each additional month. Will you help?  Any amount will be beneficial.  

She is also waiting appeal for insurance for the transplant but it will not cover these immediate costs. 

please send donations for tremia appling to ntafund.org, then go to find a patient and enter Tremia Appling. 

You can also find out more about Lupus Awareness through Tremia's Vlogs: